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Come and discover our Transformative work with me Yuos'sima Rose, Divine Oracle & Modern day Priestess, author and Divine Channel as we explore Female Legacy Mentorship and Facilitation to embark on a journey of healing and spiritual growth as you birth a Generational Impact.

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Welcome             divine one

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This is a Divine opportunity for other feminine leaders to be featured in a authentic & Collaborative exchange. You will have the opportunity in a bespoke setting to meet one on one with the author to sit down for a half an hour interview in which you'll be featured. This is an opportunity for your story to be unveiled and also the divine work you are doing & how that can be of service to others. in which we ask for a divine exchange to be featured on our beloved TV Show so that we can support you in the highest way possible. 

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Join our Feminine Dharma Mentorship Programme to help you discover your true soul purpose as you become who you need to be to fulfil it. This container will not only help you embody the Individual that you're destined to become but you will clear any blockages/limits preventing you from fulfilling your destiny. You can choose from Three Packages to support you in where you are on your journey 


Activate your Goddess

Do you desire to lead in your Feminine? To be more and do less. To have divine guidance and support in which your dharma is easy. Do you want to feel like life is happening for you and that you are universally protected? Do you want to attract all of your hearts desires from a place of magnetism?

Are you ready to let go of Masculine energy so you can be who you really are? How would it feel to know that everything comes to you and you need not do. That your presence is enough. That your vibration creates a field of Attraction.

As you universally call in your destined path effortlessly. This is available to you, all you have to do is let go & trust in a Higher way.


Do you desire to lead in your Feminine? To be more and do less. To have divine guidance and support in which your dharma is easy. Do you want to feel like life is happening for you and that you are universally protected? Do you want to attract all of your hearts desires from a place of magnetism?

Are you ready to let go of Masculine energy so you can be who you really are? How would it feel to know that everything comes to you and you need not do. That your presence is enough. That your vibration creates a field of Attraction.

As you universally call in your destined path effortlessly. This is available to you, all you have to do is let go & trust in a Higher way.

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Your Portal Home to Yourself

In the Author's upcoming third book she vulnerably shares her tale of poverty consciousness, womb disease and sexual trauma. She is dedicated to supporting soul aligned women in returning to Sacred Sexuality. Collectively as women have suffered with our periods/miscarriage and abuse. This is the way home to not only heal those layers of distortion around your sexuality, cycles and finances: in knowing they are directly interlinked, so you may calibrate to a Higher wealth Legacy.

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“Talking with Yuos'sima has been a very calming and inspiring experience for me. I can tell her experiences and deep knowledge of the subject fuel her passion to offer to her community only the best in a holistic manner. Her vision is set on helping her community by nurturing their energy and confidence in themselves. I am amazed by this powerful woman and I know she can positively change the lives of all those that may cross her path.”

BAW Burlesque London, United Kingdom 


To hire Yuos'sima to speak or attend a event, please apply here..


Please know we only receive paid opportunities in which travel expenses are also paid for; for the author to attend.

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